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Clofazimine Soft Capsules
  • Clofazimine Soft Capsules

Clofazimine Soft Capsules

Generic name:Clofazimine Soft Capsules

Approval number:SFDA approval numberH32025617

Specifications:0.2g*8 tablet *3 piecess

Drug type:Prescription drugs

Main ingredients:

Cinametic acid (C12H14O5): 95.0%~105.0%

Detailed description

 Clofazimine Soft Capsules, a national exclusive product, It is used in the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR -- TB) and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR -- TB), and was successfully granted a patent certificate by the state in 2013. Due to its remarkable therapeutic effect in a wide range of clinical applications, it has attracted great attention from the state, and was supported by the national special fund in 2010.

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